Stress Defense Shield – 60


SKU: Jane-Stress Categories: ,


60 caps x 500mg

Stress Defence Shield caps – 30 high frequency super foods & herbs

The combined synergistic effect of using the pure intelligent,wild, nutrient denseHeavenly Harmonyfoods and herbs results in a Stress Defence Shieldbeing set up to protect the immune system from stress by:

  • Optimising protein levels required for stress balancing neuro-transmitters
  • Maintaining the acid-balance of the blood, preventing pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi developing within the body
  • Reducing inflammation and detoxifying the body
  • Enhancing the body’s ability to fight established infections, chronic diseases and auto-immune diseases.
  • Remineralising the body cells

They are used together with the Detox-Nutrient dense fortifying programme which is designed for each individual using a Personal Nutritional Profile (PNP)..

Additional information

Weight 0.05 g


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