Slim -Slimming aid


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Natura Slim


This is a nutritional supplement – homoeopathic combination medicine which acts as a slimming aid. It assists in: 

promoting the absorption and assimilation of minerals 
overcoming sluggish digestion for treatment of adiposity 
the excretion of excess fluid for treatment of mild water retention.


Adonis vernalis helps relieve low vitality and water retention in the extremities.

Antimonium crudum regulates digestion and reduces the tendency to grow fat.

Calcarea acetica assists in improving nutrient assimilation.

Calcarea carbonica has a deep action on states of impaired nutrition and on the glands, skin and bones. It helps regulate thyroid and pituitary function and treats the tendency in children to grow fat. It especially balances the system of fat, fair, flabby individuals who perspire freely, even when cold, and whose discharges smell sour.

Capsicum annuum is indicated for individuals whose body tissues have lax fibre, are weak and who are overweight due to an aversion to exercise.

Fucus vesiculosus regulates thyroid function to treat obesity and improve digestion.

Graphites is indicated for its ability to relieve skin eruptions and constipation.

Iodium helps to normalize metabolism and appetite. It is indicated for goitre and physical and mental debility with exhaustion and excessive perspiration on slight exertion.

Phytolacca decandra acts on the glandular system to help regulate weight.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit. B6) is important for protein metabolism, the production of various hormones and digestive enzymes as well as helping to maintain homoeostatis in the body. Vit. B6 is also needed for healthy nervous functioning and is indicated to alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Silicea acts to correct impaired nutrient assimilation and consequent defective nutritional status. In so doing a tendency to eat incorrect foods will be minimized.

Spongia tosta helps to normalize thyroid function, alleviate excessive hunger and relieve exhaustion resulting from least exertion.

Thiamine hydrochloride (Vit. B1) is essential for healthy assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates as well as promoting healthy nerve functioning.

Thyroid is specifically indicated to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. It assists in promoting healthy digestion and reducing the craving for sweets.


A nutritional supplement – homoeopathic combination complementary medicine
Each 5ml of liquid contains:

Adonis vernalis D3
Antimonium crudum D10
Calcarea acetica D4
Calcarea carbonica D30
Capsicum annuum D6
Cider vinegar 400mg
Fucus vesiculosis D3
Graphites D30
Iodium D10
Phytolacca decandra D3
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit. B6) 7mg
Silicea D10
Spongia tosta D3
Thiamine hydrochloride (Vit. B1) 2mg
Thyroid D6
Perservative: 0.15% Nipagin M sodium

Dosage and Directions

One medicine measure (5ml) three times daily before meals.

Side Effects and Special Precautions

There are no known side effects.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 g


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