Silicea (Sil.) Granules


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Lack of physical and emotional “grit”
Extreme coldness of body with desire to remain warm.
Offensive foot sweat.
Crippled nails,
Keloid growths.
Loss of smell.
Can be used to push splinters to the surface.
Intolerance of alcoholic stimulants.
Tendency to formation of pus.
Styes, boils and abscesses.
Constipation before and after menses.
Influences bones and joints, mucous membranes, skin, cellular tissue, nerves, glands, lungs, digestive system
Complaints of eczema, herpes, urticaria.
Asthmatic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
Complaints of nails, tonsillitis.Better warmth, wrapping up head, summer; in wet or humid weather.
Worse new moon, in morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering, lying down, damp, lying on left side, cold.



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