Clove Bud Oil


When applied onto the skin in a diluted form, Clove Bud Pure Essential Oil may serve as an antimicrobial, thereby helping to kill bacteria

SKU: Esc-orcl Category:


Escentia Clove Bud Pure Essential Oil can be used as an antimicrobial, to help kill bacteria and as a pain reliever for conditions such as toothache and muscle pain.

Product Specifications: Clove Bud Pure Essential Oil will range in colour from colourless to light yellow and has a strong, spicy aroma.

typical country of origin:


clove bud pure essential oil can be used:

When applied onto the skin in a diluted form, Clove Bud Pure Essential Oil may serve as an antimicrobial, thereby helping to kill bacteria. Its spicy aroma, along with its healing properties, acts as a pain reliever for conditions like muscle pain. It can also help relieve respiratory conditions, such as coughs and asthma.

Clove bud oil can be used:

  • To moisturize dry skin and assist with skin problems.
  • To soothe irritation that comes with the itching and burning, which is typically associated with coming in contact with poisonous oak or poisonous ivy.
  • To improve blood circulation. Clove Bud has been used in Tiger Balm to help improve circulation.

Blends well with: Orange, Frankincense, Cassia, Cedarwood, Ginger, and Cinnamon.


Additional information

Weight 0.042 kg
Bottle Size



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