LifeMel – Unique beehive product


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LifeMel significantly improves the blood picture: increases white and red blood cell count, as well as hemoglobin and thrombocytes levels.

Assists in cases of anemia.

Rehabilitates and enhances the immune system, alleviates side effects induced by chemotherapy and/or radiations and significantly improves general feeling of well-being.

Directions for use: suck one teaspoon, twice a day before eating or two hours after eating.

 I am fighting breast cancer with mets to the bones and liver.  I have been receiving chemo again since February and it has been a constant fight to keep my blood levels good.  I have now been using LifeMel for a month and all my blood counts have already increased substantially.  Thank you Dennis Feldman for your compassion and support, I can highly recommend this product. 

~ Amanda Coetzee, 17 August 2018

Main plants used in the production of LifeMel:
Eleutherococcus Sentic, Taraxacum Off, Ficus Carica, Vaccinium Myrtillus, Trifolium Platense, Morus Alba, Chicorium Int, Beta Vulg, Inula Helenium, Ribes Nigrum, Melissa Off, Calendula Off, Urtica Dioica, Avena Sativa, Echinacea Purpurea, Uncaria Tomen.

This product has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. LifeMel is a food supplement and is not irradiated.

Further reading for useing honey in the precence of cancer.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 g


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