Iron Liquid



Liquid Ionic Iron Health Supplement

*48 Day Supply*

Concentration 2000 PPM or mg/L

An advanced aqueous form of Iron Ions(IsoIonic™)** in clear solution for quicker absorption than tablets or capsules which must first dissolve in the digestive system before being absorbed. Patented, clinically tested professional grade CHDFulvic Acid has been added to further increase absorption and enhance overall well-being as fulvic acid has natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties.

Iron Helps to Support:

  • Efficient immune system function*
  • Red blood cell health*
  • Respiration health*
  • Enzymatic function throughout body*
  • Energy production*

Fatigued? Tired? Are You Getting Enough Iron?

Iron is called the “energy giver” because it is essential to our metabolism. Iron attracts Oxygen and is a basic building block of our blood. Together with Manganese and Copper, Iron maintains healthy blood chemistry, facilitates the transfer of Oxygen and helps with the removal of Carbon Dioxide.

Iron deficiency is most common in women but can occur in men. Symptoms of an Iron deficiency include fatigue, sleepiness and a lack of energy. Protect yourself with our liquid ionic Iron supplement. Our liquid mineral health supplements provide minerals in the form most readily assimilable by our body.

*  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

**IsoIonic™ is defined as water-soluble mono-atomic mineral ions.

Iron benefits and/or deficiency symptoms are generic for the mineral. No product claims are being made or implied. Research is ongoing.


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