~~How long is Insinase® typically recommended?
This formula was designed for insulin function support on a daily basis where appropriate. Your health care professional may recommend regular follow-up visits to re-evaluate markers of blood sugar health. Individual results may vary. For best results, follow your health care professional’s guidelines.*
~~Health care professionals recommend this product to promote healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range, specifically support for healthy insulin function. It provides a complement to dietary signals from a healthy eating plan for added support.*
~~How does Insinase® work?
It provides a unique combination of ingredients to support healthy insulin function. Cellular studies showed that the RIAA and acacia in Insinase inhibit IL-6 cytokines that can influence insulin function. These ingredients also act as selective kinase response modulators (SKRMs) in fat-storing cells involved in glucose and insulin activities. Balanced kinase (specialized enzyme) signaling helps to maintain healthy blood insulin function, and SKRMs can enhance “healthy” signals from a targeted dietary plan, such as a low-glycemic-load diet.*
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