Assists in the management of irregular menstrual cycles, delayed puberty, Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), painful periods and functional infertility. Gynaecare Syrup helps to restore the balance between hormones, emotions and nutrition. This product contains, among other natural ingredients, Saraca indica, which consists of a steriod component and a calcium salt.
The bark of Saraca indica contains the oestrogenic compound ketosterol, and has a stimulating effect on endometrial and ovarian tissue. This is useful in menorrhagia due to uterine fibroids, in leucorrhagia and in internal bleeding, where ergot is indicated. It is well known for its effectiveness in menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea.
It also has a stimulatory effect on the ovarian tissue and may produce an oestrogen-like effect that enhances the repair of the endometrium whilst stopping bleeding.
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