Eyebright Drops 25ml


Homeopathic medicine for treating eyestrain, sensitivity to light, and prediagnosed night blindness.

SKU: Nat-Eyebr Category: Tag:


This is a homeopathic medicine for the treatment of eyestrain
• sensitivity to light
• watery eyes

Argentum nitricum has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect on the mucous membrane and other eye tissues. It relieves swollen red rims of the eyes, blurred vision, eye strain, swelling of the conjunctiva, and photophobia. It also helps restore tone to weakened ciliary muscles.

Arsenicum iodatum resolves irritating, corrosive discharges from the membranes of the eyes.

Senecio cineraria is effective in treating visual disturbances following injury.

Euphrasia officinalis relieves excessive and persistent lachrymation, mucus discharges from the eye, burning and swelling of the eyelids and frequent blinking.

Hydrastis canadensis acts on the mucous membranes of the eyes to treat thick yellow discharges.

Mercurius corrosivus acts on the eyes to relieve burning, shooting, and tear pain behind the eyeballs, excessive photophobia, acrid lachrymation, and swollen red eyelids.

Natrium muriaticum relieves bruised feeling of the eyes with headache, the sensation that letters run together, seeing sparks around objects, burning ocular pain, mucopurulent discharge, and acrid lachrymation.

Physostigma venenosum has an antispasmodic effect on ciliary muscles to relieve twitching of ocular muscles and photophobia.

Pulsatilla vulgaris acts on the mucous membranes of the eyes to relieve thick, profuse, yellow discharges that cause the lids to be inflamed and agglutinate. It also treats styes and conjunctivitis.

Sulphur is indicated for burning ulceration of the eyelids, seeing a halo around lamp light, and in the first stage of corneal ulceration.


Additional information

Weight 0.072 kg


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