Collinsonia Tincture


SKU: Cholin-1 Categories: ,


Collinsonia root is believed to offer a variety of health benefits. It is thought to contain saponins and flavonoids, compounds that may help treat hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower rectum. Older medical reports suggest that collinsonia root suppositories may improve blood flow between the gut and liver, thus alleviating hemorrhoids.

Recent research also suggests that the anti-inflammatory compounds in collinsonia root may be useful in managing Alzheimer’s disease. Specifically, collinsonia root contains polyphenols, thymol, and carvacrol, which may help prevent the breakdown of a key enzyme involved in the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Additionally, older case reports indicate that this root may reduce anal inflammation, spasms, and prolapses, as well as relieve abdominal or pelvic symptoms caused by these conditions.

Collinsonia root is also reported to increase urine flow, reduce spasms, and relax the ureters and urethra, potentially helping to pass small kidney stones and alleviate associated pain and irritation.

Certain reports also claim that this root alleviates menstrual and lower back pain, spine problems, stomach acidity, headaches, colic, cramps, indigestion, cough, and asthma.




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