Cerbo Drops 25ml


A homeopathic medicine that assists in supporting the function of the nervous system and assists in the treatment of exam stress, poor concentration, hyperactive behavior, and stuttering.

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A homeopathic medicine that assists in supporting the function of the nervous system and assists in the treatment of exam stress, poor concentration, hyperactive behavior, and stuttering.

Acidum picricum relieves brain fatigue, chronic tiredness, heavy, tired feeling, and pain and weakness in the back. It also helps treat the mental states which result in a lack of willpower, disinclination to work, and fear of failing exams.

Atropa belladonna and Atropinum sulfuricum act on every part of the nervous system to regulate physical and emotional symptoms like poor co-ordination and extreme anxiety. They help calm restlessness and over-excitability.

Banisteriopsis caapi helps relieve extreme nervous hypersensitivity.

Gelsemium sempervirens act on the nervous system to treat muscle weakness, mental apathy, performance anxiety and stuttering or other speech difficulties.

Kalium phosphoricum strengthens the nervous system to enable the person taking the remedy to overcome nervous dread, irritability, brain fatigue, poor concentration, loss of memory, and weakened muscular action of the extremities.

Veratrum viride acts on brain tissue and helps to relieve restless twitching and extreme fatigue.

Zincum metallicum acts on nerve tissue to improve memory, treat muscle twitching and lessen anxiety.




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