Causticum (Caust.) granules


SKU: Homeo-Caust Categories: ,


Chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic affections.

##For arthritis or rheumatism.

##Unsteadiness of muscles.

##Involuntary passing of urine specially at night and in the aged.

##Conditions affecting the central nervous system.

##The central idea is paralysis.

##Stiff neck (right-sided).

##Acute carpal tunnel syndrome.

##Symptoms made worse by dry, cold north winds.

##Causticum relieves burns and burning pains.

##Calms burns, sunburns, scars from burns and burning


##Relieves pains of the throat, bladder, and skin.

##For bladder infections, incontinence, overactive bladder, urinary urgency.

##Urinary remedy, helpful for bedwetting in older children and incontinence in adults

##For daytime bladder incontinence, loss of urine when sneezing or coughing.

##For stiff bent fingers, arthritic symptoms in fingers.

##Throat   concerns of speakers and singers.

## Relieves soreness, rawness, hoarsenss, and laryngitis that worsens from overuse of the voice.

##Paralysis of tongue and vocal chords.

##Relieves sore throats with burning and hoarse, scraping, raw cough; prolonged hoarseness, loss of voice, and aphonia from weakness of the muscles of the larynx.

##For respiratory concerns such as asthma.

##Helpful for stammering that is worse with stress; for  stuttering and indistinct speech.

##Helpful for facial warts; used for warts that bleed when scraped.

##Helps with weakness in muscles to point of paralysis in either voluntary or involuntary muscles.

##For  muscle cramps

##For   symptoms of Bell’s Palsy.


Additional information

Weight N/A
Bottle Size

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